Our blog will feature content ranging from detailed Exclusive Features and collector resources, Op-Eds on the latest market trends, community-written and Collector Articles, featured collectors in our Collector Spotlights, and much more.
Wata stands for providing transparency and information parity to help level the playing field in video game collecting by making information available and easy to understand, no matter if you’ve been collecting for years or you’re just getting started. Therefore, Wata’s Blog content will cover the latest in what has been graded, unique market trends, exciting opportunities to get involved, and will address a wide variety of collector-centric topics. It is intended to serve as a way for us to share our knowledge, expertise, resources, and opinions with collectors of all types. This blog and its content provides the information and resources to become a more educated collector that is both reflected in and supported by Wata’s standards and grading practices. We hope to equip collectors with the tools and resources that we have spent our dedicated lives building.
We would love to hear from you! Share topics with the community that you would like to hear about. Share stories you feel need attention and discussion. And if you’re a writer, submit your article for a chance to appear on our blog. You’ll get 1 free SpeedRun upgrade game submission if we use your article. You can submit your article or share ideas on what you’d like to see at [email protected].
Like water, we strive to be flexible, adaptable, persistent, and to listen and respond swiftly to your needs and desires. Your feedback and thoughts on this blog are more than welcomed — they are encouraged. You will find opportunities to comment on articles and you are always welcome to reach out directly to let us know your thoughts or questions.
We will stay true to our community roots, focused on building and sustaining our relationships, and serving you with excellence. At our core, we are inspired to be like water